Mortgage News Daily

Economic Environment Depressing Millennal Homeownership

Posted To: MND NewsWireIt shouldn’t be news to anyone that the homeownership rate of the Millennial generation continues to be anemic. While it has improved slightly since 2015, the Urban Institute’s (UI’s) new research shows that, at that point it was 37 percent, 8 percentage points lower than the homeownership rate of Gen Xers and baby boomers at the same age. This translates into 3.4 million fewer homeowners among these 75 million young adults. UI researchers Laurie Goodman, Jung Hyun Choi, Jun Zhu, writing in the Institute’s Urban Wire blog, say that demographic and lifestyle choices, delayed marriage, increasing diversity, have played a role in the decline, it is the economic environment that has been most determinative. They cite three external factors that are hampering the generation, most of whom turned…(read more)Forward this article via email:  Send a copy of this story to someone you know that may want to read it.

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Michael Ayoub, Author NMLS ID 6631