You don’t have great credit but you want to buy a home. You think you might have bad credit but you aren’t sure. Did you know that some lenders deal with credit problems like this everyday? Credit problems happen to the best of us. Mortgage loans are not only for the well to do with perfect credit and home loans with bad credit can be managed even with a past bankruptcy.
Bad Credit Mortgage Loans
Information in your credit history helps us determine how much credit and what interest rate you are eligible for. Your credit report tells them what they need to know. The better your credit history, the more likely you are to qualify for the best credit deals.
When applying for a mortgage or home loan, the first things a mortgage lender wants to know is “How is your credit?” You need to know and understand why this is so important and how you will answer the question! If the answer is “I have bad credit”, there are still options open to you, but you will want to work towards a good credit rating, so in the future, you can provide a different answer. Always be truthful as we are your allies and if you can’t get a loan, we won’t be paid.